One Bread, One Body
"Therefore I make a strong appeal to one and all, Pastors and faithful, never to become tired of maintaining-indeed always taking an active part to fix deeply in one's mind, heart and life-an ecclesial consciousness, which is ever mindful of what it means to be members of the Church of Jesus Christ, participants in her mystery of communion and in her dynamism in mission and the apostolate." St. Pope John Paul II, Christifideles Laici 64
Parish Life at St. Mary parish in Gainesville offers multiple opportunities to parishioners to live their baptismal call as priest, prophet, and king. All parishioners are invited to get involved in one or more ways so that they can joyfully proclaim the Gospel message both in word and in the witness of their lives. Many groups, opportunities, and experiences are available to equip and encourage participants to take up their mission to bring Christ to all corners of the world.