One Bread, One Body
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which non-Christians or Christians from other faith traditions can learn about and become fully initiated into the Catholic faith. Using the catechumenate of the early Church as its model, RCIA strives to bring participants into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Accompanied by a sponsor, each person in RCIA will explore their relationship with God, their friendship with Christ, and their desire to enter into the sacramental life of the Catholic Church. RCIA is a journey and each person's journey will be different. St. Mary Parish offers a year-round catechumenate, so participants may enter at any time and will find numerous opportunities for coming into full communionn with the Church if that is their desire.
The journey begins with an interview. For more information, please e-mail Caitlin Turbeville, Interim Director of Religious Education or call (940) 665-5395, ext. 117.